Sunday, April 17, 2011

homeschooling and readiness of parents to deal with

Homeschooling is now no longer a discourse. There have been many people who try it. But so far, the question of legality is still only be the talk and even polemic.
The government itself seems to have its own paradigm about presence of homeschooling. Enrich the educational model, certainly yes, but on the other hand, when homeschooling was socialized discourse to the community, good technical equipment also needs to be prepared.

something very important to follow up, is the readiness of parents
Homeschooling in my perception, is not an easy matter. Despite the rough idea seemed so pleasant and flexible, but also because the flexibility that parents should have rich insight in serving the learning needs of children. Parents need a guide to guide the children,

though not always harusmenjadi teachers in understanding teachers who stood in front of the class. Not all parents are ready with the condition must be flexible and versatile prepare yourself. It also seems that triggered the emergence of "Schools" homeschooling. By realizing that not all homeschooling enthusiasts are people who are ready in terms of mental and also skills, many institutions stood labeled homeschooling our midst. 

Homeschooling for me is education-based alternative home. But the fact is, the meaning of homeschooling has become biased. The mushrooming of "school" homeschool labeled in some places, 

After going through various personal assessment, I can say that
homeschooling requires accountability. Do not let the discourse homeschooling just be the trigger for the outbreak of anti-school movement
based on laziness. Because it is not possible, applicants homeschooling is not prepared mentally and skill, they not only leave school but also leave study.
Homeschooling it is fun, but still there are risks. Calculated with cooked to choose homeschooling, until we convinced that the option is most appropriate and in accordance with conditions, and our readiness as well as children.
A homeschooling enthusiasts who are really serious, in my opinion even have to take into account to be ready with the worst conditions, ie, without a diploma. That was the radical option, but when the goal Private education has been set, it is not a major problem. 

The existence of diploma in the beginning, it could be a philosophical goal higher than a pass mark. A certificate is a symbol of seriousness of school children's learning during their education. If then
degradation occurs at the value of a diploma, that's the anomaly of a draft. 

We too will find it in any field outside of the field education.
Although many problems happening in the world of education, for can not resolve it in ways impulsive, mutually suspicious, and judgmental. If homeschooling could be one option among the many options available, find out and understand it first with profuse. Flows like water, find new things, and keep learning. Because only by learning we can find knowledge and wisdom of every opinion that live around us.